This system can run independently of the Annex 24 system or share information with the ZOE Origin and ZOE IT CUSTOMS Annex 24 and SECIIT systems.

- Multitracted Management
- Massive request for certificates
- Certificate management
- Consultation, status, and monitoring of requests
- Suppliers will have a portal to answer requests.
- Automatic sending of emails for requests, expiration notices, rejection notifications with custom text.
- Management of historical certificate information
- Connectivity with ZOE Origin and ZOE Annex 24 systems
- Unlimited users, configurable according to their role.
- Data validation, with acceptance or rejection criteria.
The company will have the possibility to accommodate data in our server or on-line in a local server.
Multi-treated handling
ZOE COP has the multitreated option, to choose to apply for Certificates T-MEC, NAFTA and Declarations (Affidavits).

Mass request for certificates
It has multiple selection criteria by year and priority. Massively send the electronic certificate request emails to Suppliers:
- For new parts: Shows the part numbers that are being registered in the annex 24 system or that are called from the interface with the ERP, so that you can select one or more.
- Massive: Extracts all the records per year, this option is usually used when in December, when the certificates expire, the certificates for the next year must be requested in advance from all the providers registered in the database.
- By part number: If a part number is related to more than one supplier, it is easy to choose by part number or description.
- By provider: It is the most used for sending requests.

Certificate handling
ZOE COP already has a template preloaded in the system with all the minimum required fields, in addition to an expanded format where some important auditable fields were added to comply with the requirements as established in ANNEX 5A.
When printing the format, the option to choose the combination of roles is enabled according to the entity that issues the certificate, considering the data of the Certifier, Exporter, Producer, or Importer.
If your company already has a custom design of the T-MEC format, we can develop it and consider it in your implementation plan.

Consultation and Follow-up
Once certificate requests are issued, a dashboard will help quickly identify status by Provider and by Treaty.
According to the requests sent and their requested parts, it reports the progress of those that the provider has already consulted on its portal, how many it has responded and the percentage of those that have already been approved. Information that can be extracted in an Excel format.

Provider portal and emails
All providers have a username and password to enter their portal and be able to consult the certificate requests required by their client.
They will be able to identify the requests by treaty and by party number, an Excel format with preloaded data is attached to the email to facilitate the task of obtaining the certificates.
In addition to the portal, the provider also receives automatic requests to his e-mails with a personalized text per treaty, in such a way that the requests are efficiently managed and controlled according to the level of urgency configured in the system.

Files that are attached to the email (Excel format and user manual)

Other benefits COP
Stores the historical information of the certificates and their origin qualification details for future reference.

Information on suppliers, raw materials and certificates is shared with the ZOE Origin and ZOE Annex 24 systems.

Configurable user profile, in such a way that in each of the processes the privileges to view, edit and insert are according to their role.

Certificate data validation with the option to accept or reject what is sent by the provider, applying different criteria if it is not approved, the system sends the automatic response emails.

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